Xpt Train Booking Phone Number

If you made your booking over the phone you can call us on 13 22 32.
Xpt train booking phone number. Please have your ticket number on hand when you get in touch. International reservations for customers outside of australia 61 7 3606 6630. Service status updates 24 hour arrivals information service.
If you purchased your ticket on the new booking site you can manage your booking by entering your booking number and email address. You can book tickets and reserve seats for journeys on nominated v line services by phone using most major credit cards on 136 196. Nsw trainlink s fleet of xpt express trains and connecting coaches operate regular services to over 360 destinations throughout new south wales and beyond.
Introduced to service in 1982 the xpt short for express passenger train has an aerodynamic design and travels between sydney melbourne brisbane dubbo grafton and casino. The xpt power car features a paxman vp185 12 cylinder turbo charged diesel electric engine boasting 1492 kw or 2000 horsepower. Reservations for holiday packages 9am to 5pm monday to friday 1800 627 655.
Some booking restrictions are in place to ensure people who live in regional new south wales can get seats but in most cases you re able to book online up to 6 months in advance. Nsw trainlink bookings transportnsw info. General enquiries reservations in australia 7am to 7pm 7 days a week closed christmas day 1800 872 467.
To book this train please complete a journey request form you will receive an answer from one of our rail specialists within 48 hours for any urgent queries please contact us via phone or email. Please have your identification and any entitlement cards for concession fares when you make your booking. Nsw trainlink operates regional and intercity train and coach services to more than 365 destinations in nsw queensland the act and victoria.
Pensioners stations and stops special needs concessions luggage seasonal fares service alerts booking restrictions.