Group Booking On Trains

Here s how to book more than 6 tickets in irctc and the rules related to it.
Group booking on trains. However on certain destinations a child can be included in a group travelling with pack tribu rates. If you re travelling in a group of 3 to 9 people buying groupsave train tickets could help you save up to 34 on your uk rail fares. Passenger travelling in a group of more than 6 persons in same train same boarding place same destination same date and same class is called bulk booking.
The group booking facility applies for passengers travelling in office religious marriage or family groups. The bulk booking or party booking facility of indian railways allows railway passengers to travel in groups like. In order to do bulk booking visit the ticket booking centre of the indian railways.
Anyone can take advantage of the pack tribu fare if a booking is made simultaneously for 4 to 7 people. For bulk booking indian railways requires you to visit the ticket booking centre.