Group Booking On Irctc

Fare for group booking on irctc trains will be charged for the full capacity of the coach 78 passengers irrespective of the number of passengers to be booked by users.
Group booking on irctc. Though you may do a full coach booking on ftr through irctc. The details are available on irctc website also you may contact them for this. Irctc offers exclusive rail tour packages with confirmed train tickets sight seeing and meals for enchanting nilgiri mountains darjeeling kullu manali kashmir gangtok or divine tours of mata vaishno devi rameswaram madurai shirdi tirupati etc.
To facilitate ease of booking and travel for people travelling in groups such as for marriage sports tournaments school college educational tours field trips etc indian railway catering and tourism corporation irctc which is the e ticketing arm of indian railways has made the facility of booking bulk tickets in trains. 10000 will also be deposited by the person booking the coach along with train fare which will be refunded back after satisfactory completion of journey by the party without any damage to irctc train. You will have to apply before 60 days to book tickets.
There is no such facility in irctc. Railyatri is one of the leading online irctc indian railways catering and tourism train ticket booking platforms. You may do group booking reservations at railway counter by following.
A popular mobile app with its wide span of railway reservation services. Irctc does not permit online bulk train ticket booking. In supersession of all the instructions issued on booking of special trains coaches saloons etc on full tariff rates ftr ministry of railways have decided that all the trains coaches saloons on full tariff shall now be booked through single window booking system by indian railway tourism and catering corporation irctc henceforth any individual party seeking to book trains coaches on ftr shall approach irctc and irctc shall book trains coaches online on behalf of the individual party.
Bulk booking for indian railways trains on irctc. Here s how to book more than 6 tickets in irctc and the rules related to it. A security deposit of rs.
Bulk booking on irctc for indian railways trains. Planning a holiday with friends and family in the upcoming summer months. The first thing to note is that bulk booking on indian railways trains is not allowed online through the irctc website or the irctc app.